The SMA model is a self-centering clamping set, which impresses with its high transmission forces. It is equipped with the Easy Open System for easy assembly and disassembly.

  • From 216 to 1‘705 Nm
  • Frictional connection
  • High torque transmission
  • Concentric connection
  • Easy open system
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Dimension SMA
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Grinding of a round detail on a special machine tool

Mechanical engineering

In the field of special machine construction there is a large variety of applications and usage of drive technology equipment. As this field is extremely wide in applications Miki Pulley is supplying to special coil winding machine producers, ship loaders…

Robot hand machine tool at industrial production


Due to the steadily increasing degree of automation, especially in the industrialized countries, the demand for industrial and collaborative robots is a strongly growing industry segment. Extremely important are the high positioning accuracy as well as the safety of such…

Automatic modern warehouse with automated guided vehicles


In the field of automation especially around warehouse technology like order income, storing and goods shipments, the grade of Automation in industrialized countries is enormous. The current drive technology solutions are used for transportation, stocking and other…